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Separating, Divorcing.

It is all rough.

It is a topic I don't like to discuss. Therefore I must.

Making the decision is one thing. Taking action is another. Most people dread the actions more than the decision. But (just like everything else!) having a plan makes the painful tasks easier.

I worked with Mia as she prepared to start a new life. Below is her experience with Bright Organizing Solutions.

“I owe you big time, it was like an elephant. I didn’t know where to start.

Every time I looked at my house, I would see that needs to be done, that needs to be done, that needs to be done. It was so overwhelming to me. When you said to me “don’t worry about it, I’ll get you…” and it’s not that I didn’t trust you, I just always thought of you as someone who helps hoarders.

I couldn’t wrap my head around how you could get me unstuck and you did. Everything is flowing right now. I owe you my life. I would still be sitting here 2 weeks later saying “Aly, I don’t what to do at my house”. I would still be at step 1 if you hadn’t come that day. And you know what, that exercise we did with the closets, that helped too because I had the list and knew what to do. You put me on the yellow brick road, you put me on my way. I was like oh yeah, I can do this. You made it into manageable, doable units.”

“….You are really good at what you do. I always thought you were about fixing hoarders… I didn’t understand everything that you did. It’s not just about stuff, you are good about putting an action plan into place. In my mind you were the triage girl… On tv you see Hoarders, Buried Alive, and that’s what I thought you did. I would see your before and after pictures so that’s how I knew you as. I did not see how you could help me. It is a process and not just an event.”

If you have a topic you don't want to discuss but need to put actions into place, I am here for you. Together, we'll set up the plan and engage the actions.

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